‘Boris Johnson’

‘Jellied Eels’

‘Your round’

And for the purpose of this article

‘Recruitment Consultant’

“It’s preferable to endure the psychotic breathing of a machete wielding maniac” I hear you cry.


Which is a bit of a shame I reckon.

And not just because one potentially involves a gruesome death, but because it’s also resulted in recruitment consultants having to come up with various monikers to avoid admitting who they really are (Talent Acquisition Scout is a particular favourite).

But back to the call…..

“I’m happy where I am thank you very much and I’m faaaaar too busy to speak to you.

Besides, I’m expecting a husky call from a Challenged Knife Brandisher”

There is a shit load of stuff we have to get through in a day…… repeatedly.

Sleeping happens to be one of them, so it’s really important to have a great bed. Earning a living is another, so it’s equally important to have a great job.

If you genuinely do happen to have great job, and by this I mean the usual stuff like actual job satisfaction, a good wage that sees you past week three of the month and the best long term career prospects, resulting in progression both personally and professionally – then that is great news.

I hope you’ve also managed to address the bed situation (I happen to know a very good Sleep Cultivating Doyen that could probably sort you out).

If, however, it is not the best of jobs, then it might be time to listen to what that Candidate Attraction Specialist has to say, you just never know when someone might truly change your life!

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